Yelept – Artist Interview
Written by Matt Zin on September 25, 2020

Hello Yelept, welcome to the studio. I see you are from Utah and your band formed in 2017. I have to say, your band has a tight sound for only being together since 2017.
thank you I appreciate that
Could you go around the room and introduce the band? Who does what in the band?
My name is Gabriel Zane and it started out as just me, one man project.
but now that im going to be touring there will be a bassist and a drummer for a better live sound and experience.
Where did the name Yelept come from?
its kind of a funny story I was reading through a really old dictionary from the colonial America era and I saw the word Yelept in there, it struck me because its such an odd word you never hear. so I said to myself there’s no way another band has that same name and sure enough I was right. I chose it for its uniqueness.
How did the band meet up?
well since I started off as a solo project I didn’t really have a band but I met a lot of interesting producers through a friend of mine which really helped the process of the sound.
I would put your music into the genre of heavy metal rock, am I correct? What’s the heavy metal scene like in Utah?
that is correct it is heavy metal mostly, its a pretty cool scene theres a lot of underground metal shows locally at bars and small venues constantly. also a lot of house parties that have metal bands performing and that’s actually how I got my start was playing in a band called Stygian as a bass player doing house shows.

I think I will let you describe your music a little bit more to our listeners. Could you tell them about your music and why you create this type of music?
its instrumental metal and I went with that sound because I wasn’t much in the direction of vocals at the time because I just wanted to make something heavy any metal head could appreciate and bang their head to. I create metal because its so raw, full of every kind of emotion and there is no barrier for the content. also I was experiencing a lot of anger at the time of the first EP and I believe heavy music is a good way to let out aggression.
I am loving your rockin metal sound. One song that really strikes me is Spate. I love the kicks. The instruments sound like they are telling a story. Is there a story behind this song?
thank you im glad, and actually there is a story. when I was writing for my debut EP I was suddenly experiencing violent and harsh anxiety along with depression. I was very secluded during that time I couldn’t even step outside without anxiousness smothering me and the definition of the word spate described my emotions.
I also love the song Wake Snakes, it sounds a bit mystical. What is this song about?
Wake Snakes is solely based around jealousy and revenge and not caring for consequences of your decisions.
How many EP’s do you currently have out? What is your favorite song from the EP?
there is currently two Yelept EP’s , the debut which is all of the singles and the second has all the songs. id have to say my favorite song currently is Psycho because in the previous songs you couldn’t hear much bass and I love bass so I made a song that’s really based around bass. that one sticks out to me.

I understand you have new music coming out, could you tell us about it? What songs will be on it?
yes there is a whole album coming soon. its going to include 6 new songs and 6 old unreleased tunes like “Womanizer” and “Mr. Disappointment”. only my hardcore fans know those ones.
What makes this album different than the others?
I think what makes it different is the fact its a little old and a little new, also some of the songs will have a more alternative or grunge sound to them.
If I were in the studio with you, what would I see? What would I hear? Would I be there all day?
in all honestly you’d more than likely see a ton of beer cans and cigarettes laying around and me writing riffs back to back. You’d hear lots of banging drums I always start with a drum loop, then write the riffs. makes it a little easier for me to keep the rhythm.
Do you think the internet has helped or hurt your music?
definitely helped because I get fan messages from Africa, Europe, South America just all around the world saying they heard me on a podcast or underground radio station.
Who are your musical influences and why?
my very first influence was Rob Zombie, I was six years old and my mother bought me one of his greatest hits CD’s because I was shocked by the album art. I had heard nothing like it before. it creeped me out in a good way to where I would imagine me being on stage playing music like that. after that I knew music was my first passion in life. but I actually picked up guitar and bass because of Korn their sound is so different and all the instruments feed and add contrast to one another, I knew I had to do that.
Do you listen to the same type of music that you play?
I mostly listen to the same type of metal stuff but occasionally you will hear me listening to rap or soft rock.
Where do you want the band to be in five years?
performing, creating, improving, expanding and still just making Yelept type of music.
We are at a close of our interview, we leave this time for shout-outs and where people can find your music. Please share.
you can find all Yelept music on Bandcamp, Soundcloud, YouTube, Spotify and Jango or buy merchandise on
also I want to give a shout out to my cousin for being my best friend through out all of this and everyone who helped make the record.

heres all my social media links
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