Billy Grima – Artist Interview
Written by Matt Zin on September 30, 2020

BTD Radio presents…. Billy Grima! Welcome to the studio!
BTD: How exciting, I am eager to get started on this interview but first can you tell our listeners where you are from?
BG: I was born in Blacktown, NSW, Australia, in the western suburbs of Sydney.
BTD: You have an album named Sugar and Cream and a song named Sugar & Cream. If you don’t mind I would love to talk about them. First let’s start off with the song. What is this awesome song all about? Now let’s talk about the album. I was listening to your songs on this album, I have to say it’s super fabulous. How long did it take to make that album. Which song is your most favorite? Does this album have a theme?
BG: The title track of this album is ” Sugar & Cream” . The song is based on an event that took place at a restaurant, on a regular Saturday night out with the boys. Just hanging out and having a o old time. As the boys where acting their usual self laughing and shooting a game of pool, could not help notice three ladies walk into the restaurant. That being said, they caught the boys attention. As the night progressed, everyone was chatting up a storm with many tales and exaggeration and off course all in good fun. I must say that until this day, we are all friends and we look back and laugh about it.
As for the title off the song…lol. I’m a tea drinker and I take my tea with Sugar & Cream. I thought it was very fitting to name the song ” SUGAR & CREAM”, having a perfect blend of laughter and new friendships that developed that night.
The album took almost two years, from start to finish and had a great time working on it. I must say that I have two favourites songs on this album, ” YOU MEAN THE WORLD TO ME” as that song is written about my children. There are some hidden phrases in this song that my children and I share and that is special. The other favourite is the song titled ” I MISS YOU BABY” as this song was written about a friend that had a battle with cancer.
I have to say that the theme behind this whole album is based on every day events that happen in our daily lives. I believe that we all have our own crosses to carry, our pain, happiness, relationships, marriage break ups and the list goes on. I also wanted to make sure while writing this album, that the listeners would relate and feel the message within the songs.
BTD: Do you write your own songs?
BG: Yes, I write my own songs. It’s very relaxing and I call it my medicine. When I wrote this album I had the great pleasure to work with Pete Swann, who produced and engineered the album. It was great working with Pete. He understood and could see the direction I wanted to take with this album.
BTD: The song “You Mean The World To Me” are you singing about any certain person?
BG: Yes the song “You Mean The World To Me” was written about my children
BTD: You have two other albums that we have not talked about, could you tell us about these?
BG: First album titled ” I’ M JUST STANDING ” is a blend of pop rock, with a feel of the 80’s sound and my second album titled ” A LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN” which was an album dedicated to the underpriviledged. All funds from this album went to help the homeless and children.
BTD: How would you explain your music to a person who only listens to metal music?
BG: I would have to say its a blend off New Country with Flavour….a little bit of Rock and Motown mix
BTD: I see you have been nominated for some awards and brought home and award from Akademia, that must make you feel good. Could you tell us about these nominations and awards?
BG: It is a very awesome feeling being nominated and bringing home an award. It is an amazing and flattering feeling having people listen and relate to the music I write. Also i thank all those who enjoy my music and supported in any way shape or form.
BTD: What was it like singing in the church choir at such a young age of eight? Do you feel this helped to further your career to who you are now?
BG: Yes, singing in a choir of 40 kids and get chosen to sing solo was great. This gave me the confidence and the love for singing and creating music. Music is the only thing that I have wanted to do.
BTD: What was your first instrument you played?
BG: Guitar was my first instrument
BTD: Do you remember the first song you wrote? Tell us about it?
BG: First song i ever wrote..!!!!!! LAUGHING because its still in my head…. It was a song about visiting all these cities in Australia…might sound a little silly now but at the time I thought it was a HIT!!!!! Maybe I’ll revisit the thought of re-writing the song.
BTD: Who were your childhood influences? Do you think you sound like them?
BG: Billy Joel, Joe Cocker,Sarah McLachlan, Steve Perry
BTD: When you are in the studio to you go in with plans or do you just let the music flow and start from there?
BG: Starting a new song …always go in with a plan. We put the bed tracks down and work on the basic instrumentation. After all that is done I usually like to take a break from that song for a few days and not listen it. When i get back to the song I find it very easy to add or create new things, could be harmonies , horns or anything totally off the wall that. Something that never crossed my mind at the very beginning of the composition.
BTD: Where do you think you will be with your music in three years?
BG: I would like say, touring and promoting my fourth album that is in the works right now
BTD: Have you ever wrote a song about someone you knew but did not tell them the song was about them?
BG: I have written songs about someone in the past that tell a positive message and I have told them.
BTD: We would love for you to tell our listeners where they can find your music? Any special events coming up? How about projects? If you have any special shout-outs, please feel free to do them now.
BG: You can find my music at –, iTunes , cdbaby, Amazon, youtube, Reverbnation, twitter, Facebook