Russell Foisy Artist Interview
Written by Matt Zin on September 30, 2020

BTD Radio presents…. Russell Foisy! Welcome to the studio!
Russell Foisy: Thank You
In my research for this interview, I noticed you now live in Florida. I have to ask you, the beach picture on your site is so beautiful, is that picture close by you? Have you lived anywhere else than Florida? Tell our listeners.
Russell Foisy: I was raised in East Providence Rhode Island and have lived in Florida for over 25 years. I love it here and especially the beaches, the cd cover was taken on Saint Petersburg Beach, we caught the waves at the right time
So tell me a little about you? Are you a band? A solo artist? Let’s set the tone before we get started.Russell Foisy: I have my cd titled Original Lyrics Dream and my friend Kham Loraamm’s cd Writing in the Stars and together we form a two person group called “Artists One Show”
I understand you were in a church choir, did that inspire you to move forward and start singing?
Russell Foisy: That was an experience in the fifth grade in a catholic school Sacred Heart, being part of the church choir, then you are always singing to yourself or in the car to your favorite music
Do you write all your music? Do you remember the first song you wrote? Could you tell us about it?
Russell Foisy: Yes I do, an experience I really enjoy to tell a story about a real life experience, family or current events. There is enough to write about in the world we live in. The first song I wrote was “I See the Light” which is now #3 in the Independent Music Network in LA, please vote for me in the mainstream charts
What inspires you to create a song? Music first? Lyrics first? Both?
Russell Foisy: I would say lyrics first and then I decide the theme, rock or ballad, the music riff, which my friend Kham Loraamm carries out so well. We are on the same page in our music thoughts.
I would love to know more about your CD “Original Lyrics Dream.” Could you give an insight to what this CD is all about? One question that I like to ask artists about their cd is the song line-up. Why did you choose “I See the Light A Cappella Introduction” as your first song?
Russell Foisy: The cd is a personal dream come true, the reason for the title. My goal was to create each song in a different sound to separate. Since I See the Light was the first track I wrote, I thought it was fitting to lead off the cd.
The a cappella introduction is a 50 second interlude to the song, really belongs there. It represents a time to reflect in a decision that has to be made, a right for an individual to choose if need be.
Take us back to the first time you performed on stage. What was that experience like for you?
Russell Foisy: Nerves, we have made a great connection in Orlando Fl. and we play there often. Remembering lyrics is always a challenge. We look for venues that allow us to play our original music and some covers, I have included our set list if you would be interested.
I hear you won the February 2015 Best Alternative Rock Album from The Akademia Awards, congratulations, that is awesome! How did you feel when you first found out the news?
Russell Foisy: Very proud to have won this award from an outstanding group with The Akademia in CA. I received an email to announce the award, a great moment which has lead to international FM airplay with my song “Angel”
Ok, we have to know, what has been your silliest memorable moment that you can tell us about during a performance?
We played a gig where people were dressed up, which was very funny to see all the costumes about in the crowd.
Who is or what is “Artists One Show?”
Russell Foisy: This is our two person performance band with me and Kham Loraamm, who plays guitar, violin and vocals, a brilliant musician.
BTD Radio Interviews Russell Foisy
Do you play any instruments? Which ones? When did you start?
Russell Foisy: I do not, but have taken some piano lessons and I may revisit this here soon, I love the sound of the piano and how this blend in to a great rock song or ballad
Take me into your world of recording a song. What would I see, hear, do?
Russell Foisy: We love recording, check out Clear Track Studios in Clearwater, Florida and we have a great engineer in Spencer Bradham. We are on the same page with great communication and my goal is to finish a complete track in a 5-6 hour session. We layer the instruments and vocals and to hear the finish track, a feeling I cannot describe.
If you were to describe your music to someone who spoke French, what would you tell them? How would you tell them?
Russell Foisy: Merci Beucoup Monsieur,Madamoiselle, excellent music!!
Who were your childhood influences and do you see a little bit of those influences in yourself in your music?
Russell Foisy: Easily Pink Floyd and the Eagles for the excellent songwriting ability, performance and Floyd’s brilliant use of sound effects in their tracks, both bands cd’s and their great solo efforts.
What advice can you give to other Indies Artists trying to make it in the biz?
Russell Foisy: You are your own boss in this social media music world we have today, back in the day, the record label promoted you, now you can do this with You Tube, facebook, twitter, sound cloud, Reverbnation. I have over 65,000 likes/fans/followers. How cool is this?
Let’s say we do another interview in 10 years from now, what do you think we would be talking about?
Russell Foisy: Still making my music and producing others, I was a producer on Kham Loraamm’s cd Writing in the Stars. Never allow anyone to tell you something cannot be done. Success is in your reach, you have to want it and get it!
We would love for you to tell our listeners where they can find your music? If you have any special shout-outs, please feel free to do them now. can direct you to my social media, my news, radio, videos and merch tabs are all there, I have our cd’s available for purchase and we have some cool t-shirts covering our songs. Thank You so much for the opportunity to reach your audience in this interview.