Tom Mich BTD Artist Interview
Written by Matt Zin on March 30, 2021
I see you were born in Detroit Mi. Is that were your heart and soul started in music? Like how, I am sure our listeners would like to know.
Yes born and raised in musical heritage has a Detroit influence. A lot of Motown is in my.. “blood” I was influenced by the Temptations, Stevie Wonder and others. My style of music was more leaning towards the likes of Chicago, Blood Sweat and Tears ,Tower of Power. I was pretty much always playing with a “horn band”
(Except for the band “The Facts”)
Later you moved onto Boston and started a band…nice. What was the bands name and how long were you together? What kind of music did you play?
The 4 piece band that came to Boston was called The Facts” We put out a single called “Sun Babie” and we just happened to land in Boston. We were together about 2 years. We played at that time what was called “punk rock”
Are you now on your own?
I’m on my own writing music and performing it myself
Does your music sound different compared to how it did with the band and like how so?
My music has a definite difference to what the the facts played…my music is more diverse and more define my roots. That show the real heart of my background..
Heavily Motown, Chicago, Blood Sweat and Tears Influenced where the Facts were more thrash/Clash
I hear you have a deep love for guitars? Ok, I gotta ask… how many do you have and which one is your favorite and why?
Yes. I love my guitars. They really are my true one time I had 21 guitars. Ranging from fenders to Takemine favorite is my telecaster…why? Probably because it can just…(in a musical way)
I believe you have a song called “Table Scraps” which somehow references to vintage guitars, right? Care to share the details on this song?
Actually, “Table Scraps” was written about my boss wouldn’t let me work some overtime when I really needed it.
I see your song, “Table Scraps” is number ten on Boston Rock & Roll Anthology CD. How did that come about?
I really have to thank Joe (Viglione) for letting me be a part of the Anthology 21. I’ve known Joe since the 80s and I’m very happy that we’ve remained friends
What’s this I read about you being the guitar tech for Terry Kath of the band Chicago. You do ?know your stuff, don’t you? How did that come about and tell us more about what that was like?
Ok I never was a guitar tech for Mr. Kath, I was young and built like a now deceased brother was on the major events committee at EMU – Eastern Michigan University. It was in the summer and I was off school and the band needed some strong people to move brother and I went with them for a few weeks..(grunt roadie). The thing I got the most out of that whole experience was I got some actual time with him… And some really good insight and knowledge about the guitar and his style.
Who are your musical influences? Did you ever have a chance to meet any of them? greatest influence was and still is Terry Kath of Chicago..
Name a musician that is no longer with us today… what would you say to that person?
To Mr. Terry Kath. Thank you for everything. Including the music I’m writing today you have given me a gift that no one can put a price tag on….
You’ve given me the gift of music that comes straight from my heart and soul
What other songs do you have out? Which one is your most favorite and why?
I’ve got 15 other tunes out right now on my YouTube channel…A song called Dear Kathy…another is called. Learning and another one of my favorites is ..bad acid trip
How long would you say was your longest time you spent putting a song together from beginning to end?
I think the longest time I took putting a tune together was about 3 weeks. Remember I’m writing and performing everything I’m thinking. Horn tracks. Bass tracks..keys..etc.
How has COVID-19 changed the way you do music today?
Pretty much Covid 19 didn’t change a thing. I live by myself. I write music by myself. Nothing different
Are any new projects coming up that you can tell us about?
I’m working on my new stuff, probably gunna change up again and lean a little more towards country rock, like some old school Travis Tritt..or Luke Holmes style..
Where can your music be found?
My YouTube channel isTom Mich Jr.. or
Facebook is here: Thomas Alexander Mich Jr.
Anything I might have left out?
Thank you so much for your time and interest. I hope you can find and listen to my work. I’m deeply honored to spend some time with you hopefully we can talk again soon
It was a pleasure talking with you Tom!
T Dawn and the BTD Crew