Jeremy Parsons – Artist Interview
Written by Matt Zin on September 25, 2020

Hello Jeremy, welcome to the studio. I was reading your bio and I am excited to get to know all about you and your music.
Let’s first talk about your second album “Things I Need To Say.” I think the title of an album is as important as the songs on the album.
So what are the things that you need to say? What’s behind the name of the album?
A lot of life was lived to make this record. Things I Need To Say was written while dealing with my parents’ divorce. It shook my entire world for quite awhile and writing this record helped me cope and readjust to my changing situation. Life happens and this record is all about people and emotions I and others might encounter on a day to day basis. It’s an absolute passion project for me. Although I will never understand why some things happen and why people do things they do it is and always will be a true gift to have an outlet like music.
How many songs are on the album? Do you have a most favorite song on the album and why?
There are a total of thirteen tracks on this album. I love them all so much for different reasons but my favorite song on the record is definitely the title track “Things I Need To Say.” I can remember when I wrote that song and feeling so satisfied with it start to finish.
I wrote it quick, easy, and naturally and it was so therapeutic to write. I’m glad the idea found me when it did.
“Burn This House Down” the single from your new album is fabulous. Great song! I am interested in knowing why you chose this song to be your single from your album? What is the story behind this song?
I chose “Burn This House Down” to be the single for the album because I really liked the energy of the song and it seemed to really set the tone for the record. When it came to picking the leadoff single this one just jumped out at me. This song was inspired by going home for the first time after my parents’ divorce and walking into a place I had lived and spent most of my life and it not really feel like home anymore. It’s a metaphorical spin on trying to deal and let things go.
In this situation the best way to handle it was burning the memory and trying to start over fresh from the ash. This is one of the many songs that were musical therapy for me.
Your music has a country rock vibe to it? Would you agree? How would you describe your music and style?
I definitely wouldn’t disagree! I like all kinds of music but I really love the Americana genre. That’s where I put myself personally as it is the music and artists that I connect with the most.
How would you convince a person who loves heavy metal rock to listen to your music?
That’s a great question. I think the best way to get anybody into your music is to first get them into you as a person. I love meeting new people and befriending and bonding with all walks of life. It helps me grow as a person and artist I feel.
Do you write your own songs?
As far as my albums go I have written all the songs by myself. I do also cowrite with my good friends around Nashville quite often. I love writing songs. It is such a gift and such a great way for me to gather and release my thoughts.
Take me through a day in the studio, who would be there? What would we start working on first?
In my ideal place, everything would be like It was for the making of the “Things I Need To Say” album. We would be either at my producers house or at our old studio spot in the Berry Hill area in Nashville. My producer Mike Flanders would be there with his two overly talented sons Ben and Caleb. My best buddy Pj who shoots all my pictures and music videos would be there to document all the good times and help brighten the atmosphere. Another great overly talented friend of mine Dustin Martin would also need to be there, He engineered my last project and there really isn’t anyone I trust more to nail it every time. For other key parts of the band, I would have Dave Francis and drummin’
Dennis Holt. These two guys came in and helped bring this album to life like none other. It wouldn’t have been the same without them. We would all get in there together, pick a song, and just start laying it down altogether.
I see you are a self-taught guitar player. That is awesome. What was your hardest chord to tackle? Do you play any other instruments?
My hardest chord to tackle was easily the “B” chord. To be honest I still avoid it as much as possible along with many other chords. I wouldn’t say I play any instruments all that great but I do love just messing around on piano.
I really like your song, “Hope”, from your new album. Could you tell our listeners more about this song?
Absolutely and I’m glad you like it! This song was written at a time I was struggling with the concept of love. I was coming out of a breakup into another unstable relationship and my parents were going through a nasty divorce. I was trying so hard to write a love song for this record and everything just didn’t feel right or just felt fake. I finally came up with the idea of not looking at it as looking for love but letting it seek you and just remaining hopeful that you could attain such a wonderful thing. Hope is a good thing to have.
So I know a lot about your second album now, tell me about your first album?
My first album was called Doggondest Feelin’ and I still love it to this day. I learned and grew so much from that record. Whether it was the making of it or all the touring and promotion afterward. It was awesome. Little Jimmy Dickens was nice enough to help me promote the release and also star in my music video for the title track of the record. Tons of memories and great times.
Who are your musical influences?
My main musical influences are Hank Williams Sr., John Prine, George Strait, Jason Isbell, and Ryan Adams. All of these artists have affected me in such strong ways throughout my life with their wonderful musical talents and gifts.
What do you for fun?
Although making music is the most fun I ever really have I do thoroughly enjoy just going on long walks. Specifically, if the sun is out and it’s not too cold. I love to just walk around, explore, and think. It’s also really good exercise too.
It was a pleasure getting to know you through your music. Do you have any other projects or events coming up that you would like to share?
Also, while you are at it, share your website info, social media links and anything else you might like to add.