Christa Deana – Artist Interview
Written by Matt Zin on September 25, 2020

Hello Christa! Welcome to the studio. I am excited to get this interview started. Your voice is so beautiful! Could tell our listeners where you are from?
Thank you so much! I’m from the Philadelphia area in Pennsylvania.
I was listening to your single “If God Does Not Want It” wow, what powerful lyrics. Please tell us how you came about writing this song?
Absolutely! This song was actually originally written when I was 13. The chords were a little different, but the lyrics were the same. I rearranged the song when I was 16 and again as of recently so the version you hear today is actually the 3rd. There’s some songs that I co-write with God and there’s some songs I didn’t write at all. It sounds bizarre, but it’s almost like God is downloading a file and I’m writing as fast as I can to get it all. That’s how it was when I first wrote “If God Doesn’t Want It”. This summer, the song came back to me and I couldn’t believe how relatable it was. I was getting ready to tour in Florida and I asked my husband to work on it for me while I was away.
I wanted him to give the song an urban and authoritative feel. When I came back it was more or less the masterpiece you hear today. I asked him to rap on it and feature as “Young One”. When it was done we fell in love with it and knew we had to share it with as many people as possible.
What is your most favorite lyrical line in “If God Does Not Want It” and why?
I like this question. “Put a stop to whatever’s not Yours, Lord. I’m only in it cuz I want to be on one accord”. That’s during the rap. I picked that part because that phrase sums up the desires of my heart and my prayer everyday. I just want to be in His will.
Do you find it hard being a Christian singer in a secular world?
At first I did, but now I don’t because my choice to be an artist isn’t about me. It’s what I was created to do and I’d feel empty if I wasn’t being true to that. After taking some time to be sure about exactly who I am and what I want to accomplish, I am now honored to be a Christian artist in the world today.
I was listening to some of your tracks from your EP You Amaze Me. I really love the song “You Are.” What another powerful song. Please expand on this song and tell us about your inspirations of writing this song.
Often times I write songs based upon my feelings. That particular time I wanted to write a song about who God was to me. The lyrics just made sense in that moment and it comforts me by reminding me of who He is.
Do you find yourself being a leader through your music?
Absolutely! I do music to be a leader. It would be pointless if I didn’t understand the influence I have by being a musical artist.
How has your music career changed your life?
It’s made my life much more fulfilling. I always knew I was created to do this, but I didn’t have the faith to move forward and was crippled by fear. I had everything I wanted, but I knew something was missing. Now I feel complete. I personally believe that everyone has something they were created to do and shouldn’t let fear stop them from doing everything they can to make their dreams a reality.
I see you are a music educator. Can you name one of your most favorite “stand out” moments that you can recall while educating music?
I would say it was this past weekend. I took my students on an overnight trip called “Music Fest” when schools in the area come together and learn songs to perform for a concert at the end of the weekend. During our free time, we were jamming to my new single together and they were singing all the words. I was overwhelmed with joy because I knew that the message of the song was planted in their hearts. I now pray that the song will constantly pop into their heads so they will desire to want what God wants. Anytime I can impact my students to think carefully about the choices they make, I am encouraged to be a mentor and role model to them.
Where do you see your music career going from here? What do you want to accomplish?
I would like to continue to perform and ultimately tour all over the world. I would also like to be successful enough to be known by non-Christians to get God’s message out to as many people as possible.
Who are your musical influences and why?
My musical influences come from so many different kinds of music and time periods. However, if I could select 5 staple influences, that would include Mary Mary, Kierra Clark Sheard, Don Moen, Alicia Keys, and The Brilliance.
It was great getting to know you through your music Christa, please tell our listeners where your music can be found. Also, feel free to use this time for any shout-outs, specials news, etc.
Thank you for interviewing me! You can find me @christadeana on facebook, instagram, twitter, and youtube. Also, please make sure to go to my website at [1] to sign up for my mailing list.
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