Ipd Green BTD Artist Interview
Written by Matt Zin on March 30, 2021
How’s it going? Before we get started with this interview I always like to ask our guest where they are from. So I am handing the mic over to you.
What Does Ipd stand for?
Ipd stands for international performance delivery
How did you come up with the name?
My friends gave it to me while hanging out one day and I ran with it.
You have a new single out, “Level Level.” I read that means… chill chill, am I right? You also talk about not trusting anyone. So I would like to break down this question a bit.
Yes level level means “chill chill” and yes i speak a lot on not trusting anyone because i experienced a lot of hurt along the way so i am experienced with fake love.
First, did you write the song?
Yes I wrote the song
You must have been burnt in a way that you don’t trust anyone, sorry to hear that. Artists tend to write songs from their feelings, I know… I am an artist as well. Can you go into any details on what struck you so bad to feel this way?
I wish not to talk about the past but I’m more focused on what’s ahead for me in the future
How would you explain your music to a country fan?
Music has no boundaries or language. I speak about fake love and real life situations that happen everyday. I also put God in everything. To conclude my music is universal and understood.
Would you consider yourself a band or a solo artist?
Solo. It’s only me in this.
How long have you been in the music biz?
I’ve been doing music for about 7 years now
Do you play any instruments?
No not really I’m not a pro at any instruments.
What artist or musician (dead or alive) would you like to have dinner with? What would be your first question that you would ask that person(s)?
I have been looking through ” DaBaby’s ” music and I think I would sit down with him . The first question I would ask is ” how to go mainstream ” .
Do you feel that COVID-19 has effected the way you do music today?
Covid has impacted my career a lot especially last year.
I see you have another fantastic video, “It’s A Great Day?” What is that song all about?
” It’s a great day ” is about seeing how many people died from Covid in 2020. Since then I have been more appreciative about life each day and I have shifted my focus to more important things in life.
In the song, “She Love Me”, are you singing about a special person in your life?
“She Loves Me ” is a song I made for my wife.
How about your song, “Bless Me Jah,” can you tell our listeners what that song is about?
“Bless Me Jah” is literally a prayer asking God ( Jah ) to bless me throughout this musical journey.
We are coming to a close of this interview, I know I had a lot of questions… I have one more… did I leave anything out that you would still like to mention?
A couple things I would like to mention is I own my own studio, produce my own music, and manage myself. I am open to taking my music to a higher level and I’m also looking for a manage
Where can our listeners buy your music?
You can find my music on every digital platform. You can buy my music on itunes, amazon, etc.
To end this I want to say thank you for having me for this interview and I appreciate you and your team for having me. I look forward to future events with you and your team !
Looking forward to hearing more of your music adventures… keep us posted!