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Hi Andrae Carter, I am very much looking forward to this interview. How would you best describe yourself as a person? I would say I`m a very compassionate person who loves music and I`m someone who is very hard-working, I also have a love for God and the people. How would you best describe yourself […]
Boy do we have lot’s to talk about. I can’t wait to dig right in and talk about it all… but I need to ask my standard question that all listeners like to know… where are you from? I was born in Boston and lived in that area and New Hampshire most of my life. […]
INTRO Greg Walsh believes in ghosts, old and new. “I’ve never seen one, but I’ve never seen Idaho either, and I know it’s there,” he laughs. Up until recently he was the longtime drummer for the Boston band Pop Gun. Today, Walsh is concentrating on his own music, which has yielded airplay not only in […]
Welcome, Gaviiformes, boy do we have lots to talk about including a new song that’s coming out this month, nice! How about we start with some intros, who are all the band members and what do they do? Thank you! We have Matt (me) on bass and vocals, John on guitar, and Zach on drums. […]
Hi Slapback! Welcome! I am loving the band name. I would love to talk to you about your band name in a minute, but lets first hand the mic over to you and let you introduce yourselves. Just go around the room, state who you are, what you do in the band and where are […]
Dalia Davis is a singer/songwriter and a multi-instrumentalist. She has also released a fabulous album titled Keep A Clean Engine. Dalia, you most certainly give us plenty to talk about. I did also want to ask you where are you from? I am originally from a Midwestern suburb. In high school, I performed […]
Welcome Jim Knable of Jim Knable and the Randy Bandits! I am so looking forward to interviewing you and learning about your music. But first, can you let everyone know where you are from? I was born in Tucson, Arizona, moved to LA when I was 2 but didn’t like the smog, so I […]
Welcome K Britz! I have to say I am loving your single, “Kind.” I want to talk more about your song and music but let me first start out with, where are you from? I spent most of my life in New York but I now live in Connecticut, a short train ride away. Can […]
I am so excited to interview Australia’s rockin band, Audioscam. Before we start this interview, can you guys go around the room and introduce each band member and who plays what? My long term partner in music, Brad Wallace , plays bass , keyboards , guitar , and does some of the backing vocals. […]
Q: Welcome Mark Rockower, I am loving that last name, is that real? It sounds like a band name…wait a minute… it is a band name… your band name…lol Q: Let’s start off talking about your band. I understand you have had a few band member changes. So who all is in your band and […]