Artist Interviews
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BTD Radio interviews Boney Derrington Hello Boney Derrington! Welcome to BTD Radio. I am looking forward to hearing all about your track, “Profile.” It’s very interesting how all that came about, but first I need to throw this out there so our listeners can get an idea of where you are from? So that’s our […]
BTD Interviews John Tamilio III Hello John Tamilio, I am so excited to learn more about you. After reviewing your fabulous song, “Everything But Peace” it intrigues me to get to know you even more. We will start off with a basic question. Where are you from? Born and raised? I am from Beverly, Massachusetts. […]
BTD Interviews Chuck Furtado So you are from Boston, born and raised. What would you say were some of your favorite adventures growing up in Boston? Growing up in The Boston area was always an adventure. I believe the Music stands out as the most Fascinating. Witnessing talents such as Queen, David Bowie, Elton John, […]
Artist Interview with Garr Lange How did you get started in the music business, writing plays and music at the same time? After college at Washington State University, I took off to New York, forsaking law school, to make my mark and throw my hat into the ring with the best and the brightest […]
BTD Artist Interview with Dave Godbey Ragin Contagion Hi Dave Godbey, welcome, I have been doing a lot of reading about you and your music and I can’t wait to dig in and ask you some questions but before we do that, where are you from? Hello T Dawn, it is a pleasure talking with […]
BTD Artist Interview with Mickey Bliss
Hey there Tom Mich, how are you? Welcome! I see you were born in Detroit Mi. Is that were your heart and soul started in music? Like how, I am sure our listeners would like to know. Yes born and raised in musical heritage has a Detroit influence. A lot of Motown is in […]
Hello Ipd Green…welcome! How’s it going? Before we get started with this interview I always like to ask our guest where they are from. So I am handing the mic over to you. What Does Ipd stand for? Ipd stands for international performance delivery How did you come up with the name? My friends gave […]
BTD Interview with Kitoto Sunshine Love Hi there Kitoto Sunshine Love, welcome! Loving the name. Just when I say your name, it makes me smile. What’s behind the name, how did you come up with the name? Hi! Thank you! Five years ago, I wanted to attract loving experiences into my life, so I changed […]
Hey there Peter Calo, I am excited to interview you. I have plenty of questions to ask you, I hope you are ready! You have a discography that is a mile long, you have been busy! But before we get into all that stuff, let’s learn about who Peter Calo is. First where are you […]