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Author: Matt Zin

Page: 9

Song Review Special by Lil Hanky Panky featuring X Chi Ching   Get ready to dance! Lil Hanky Panky is bringing in some “Special” Jamaican vibes. Lil Hanky Panky – described as a dream-chasing dancer and music aficionado who is driven and focused on making her big entertainment-related dreams a reality. Indeed, I believe she […]

Song Review Table Scraps by Tom Mich Ever have one of those days on the job where you were just so fed up that you said screw this, I am gonna have a six pack and a bottle of Jack. Then this song, “Table Scraps” is for you. Turn it up and loud because you […]

Absolute Crime by Greg Paquette Featuring Leah Kolvatz It would be an “Absolute Crime” to listen only once. Greg Paquette’s song called “Absolute Crime” – behind this upbeat and lively rhythm is a sad song which talks about homelessness, furthermore, the depth of this song technically addresses war. The brilliant songwriting approach adds kind […]

BTD Interviews John Tamilio III Hello John Tamilio, I am so excited to learn more about you. After reviewing your fabulous song, “Everything But Peace” it intrigues me to get to know you even more. We will start off with a basic question. Where are you from? Born and raised? I am from Beverly, Massachusetts.  […]

Review; On The Other Side – Garr Lange Need a sexy country song?  You got it right here. The music that I’m referring to is Garr Lange’s composition “On the the Side”. The song starts out with a rhythmic lead guitar which is incased with fabulous background vocals that instantly draw you in.  Then Garr […]

BTD Interviews Chuck Furtado So you are from Boston, born and raised. What would you say were some of your favorite adventures growing up in Boston? Growing up in The Boston area was always an adventure. I believe the Music stands out as the most Fascinating. Witnessing talents such as Queen, David Bowie, Elton John, […]

Song review Everything But Peace by John Tamilio III of 3D Get ready world, here’s a song that is slinging some big bold wakeup call messages out into the universe. What song am I talking about, it’s “Everything But Peace” by John Tamilio III of 3D. An iconic Boston area band from the 1980s. The […]

Guns Away by Audioscam Audioscam has a new song out called, “Guns Away,” from the album Red Dirt Sky. If I were to sum up this song into one word, it would be “powerful”. This hard rockin song makes a delivery of an important message to the world.   The song starts out with sirens, […]

The Salt Water Summers by Joe Viglione Grab your beach towels and join Joe Viglione on this perfect day…he has found paradise and he wants to share it with you.   Joe Viglione has a new song called, “The Salt Water Summers.” It’s such a wonderful love song. Starting from the very beginning of this […]

Song Review: Hope by Chuck Furtado This song could not come out at a more perfect time. It’s fitting for the hard times and challenges that we have faced over the last couple of years. This song first starts out with a beautiful piano riff… and then… Chuck rolls in with the first line of […]