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Song review Everything But Peace by John Tamilio III of 3D Get ready world, here’s a song that is slinging some big bold wakeup call messages out into the universe. What song am I talking about, it’s “Everything But Peace” by John Tamilio III of 3D. An iconic Boston area band from the 1980s. The […]
Guns Away by Audioscam Audioscam has a new song out called, “Guns Away,” from the album Red Dirt Sky. If I were to sum up this song into one word, it would be “powerful”. This hard rockin song makes a delivery of an important message to the world. The song starts out with sirens, […]
Song Review: Hope by Chuck Furtado This song could not come out at a more perfect time. It’s fitting for the hard times and challenges that we have faced over the last couple of years. This song first starts out with a beautiful piano riff… and then… Chuck rolls in with the first line of […]
Artist Interview with Garr Lange How did you get started in the music business, writing plays and music at the same time? After college at Washington State University, I took off to New York, forsaking law school, to make my mark and throw my hat into the ring with the best and the brightest […]
BTD Artist Interview with Dave Godbey Ragin Contagion Hi Dave Godbey, welcome, I have been doing a lot of reading about you and your music and I can’t wait to dig in and ask you some questions but before we do that, where are you from? Hello T Dawn, it is a pleasure talking with […]
BTD Artist Interview with Mickey Bliss
Hey there Tom Mich, how are you? Welcome! I see you were born in Detroit Mi. Is that were your heart and soul started in music? Like how, I am sure our listeners would like to know. Yes born and raised in musical heritage has a Detroit influence. A lot of Motown is in […]
Hello Ipd Green…welcome! How’s it going? Before we get started with this interview I always like to ask our guest where they are from. So I am handing the mic over to you. What Does Ipd stand for? Ipd stands for international performance delivery How did you come up with the name? My friends gave […]
BTD Interview with Kitoto Sunshine Love Hi there Kitoto Sunshine Love, welcome! Loving the name. Just when I say your name, it makes me smile. What’s behind the name, how did you come up with the name? Hi! Thank you! Five years ago, I wanted to attract loving experiences into my life, so I changed […]
Hey there Peter Calo, I am excited to interview you. I have plenty of questions to ask you, I hope you are ready! You have a discography that is a mile long, you have been busy! But before we get into all that stuff, let’s learn about who Peter Calo is. First where are you […]